Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Helen and I's future home. Lovely, isn't it? Sure, it's just a park with a space of open air, but it's
our open air, dammit! Hehehe. This is the park that will sit immediately in front of our building. And our apartment will overlook the park itself. Lovely! We'll have a nice view as we overlook the park from our 'juliet balcony'. Personally, I can't wait to move in! The entire development is very beautiful, and it's locaded conveniently next to a grocery store and a Blockbuster! So there's no fear of lack of vittles, and we certainly won't be lacking in entertainment!

This is the main walkway up from the entrance. There are both two and three-story houses along here and every last one of them has already been sold! This bodes well for the place, and we feel quite comforted knowing that we're not the only ones that have been impressed. Along the right side just ahead are the show homes Helen and I went through. We did feel like we were slightly nosey as we opened every door in the place whether it served for a bedroom or the boiler. But hey...we're paying enough for the place we might just as well get our money's worth and know what we're buying! As you can see, the landscaping is nice, with tree-lined avenues and hedgerows.

This is one of the first houses you see as you enter Carrington Park. It sits on a lush green lawn on the right-hand side of the road as you enter and is, as you can see, a 2-story model. With an attached garage this is a beautiful home. Note also that everything is brick. I love brick. Brick and stone houses have always held a place in my heart. I never knew why and I still don't. But since visiting England and discovering that brick and mortar homes are the 'norm' (versus the stick homes which are the American norm) I knew this would be a fabulous place to have a home. Granted, we're getting an apartment, not a house. But Helen and I can't wait to move in.

Here's a shot of a grouping of houses as taken from somewhere around the front lawn of one of the houses at the enterance. (You walk past this fence and turn right to start up the entrance. These are on the other side of the street from the previous picture, and it gives you an idea of what the neighborhood, as it were, will look like all said and done. Granted there's lots more houses to go in and the apartment bulidings too, but when they're done this is truly going to be a beautiful place to live. You'll have to forgive the blue flags and banners, they are advertising the open house after-all. Couldn't have asked for prettier skies either, could I?

One last shot of some of the housing they've got. This is an example of one of the three-stories. It's a massive house and while the layout doesn't give each floor an incredibly large overal size, the total make-up of the home is very, very roomy and comfortable. The master bedroom on the top floor (away from the kiddies) the spare room and living room on the second floor and the kitchen and family room/sitting room/dining room on the main floor of the house. each house is immaculately constructed with what feels to be very solid material. (Very solid doors, stairs, hand rails, fixtures in the bathrooms, etc.) Nothing feels or looks 'cheap', which is reassuring when you're thinking of how much money is going into them.

That about does it for your guided tour of Carrington Park except for this artist's rendition of what our building will look like when complete. Oooh! We're very excited! I've marked our apartment on the image so you know exactly where we'll be. Very exciting times for Helen and myself. Wish us luck!
hurrah!!! Lots of lovely pictures :o) Very excited about the new house and hopefully *fingers crossed* we'll even get the contract signed soon!!! We do like the show-houses much, but our apartment is going to be even better ... because it will be our home ... finally.
God I'm so happy for yall. The pictures are beautiful :)
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