26 January, 2008

Super Pancake Tuesday 2008!

DisclaimerThe editor is fully aware of the cheesiness of the embedded video. Normally, the editor would not endorse such cheesiness (certainly not such blatant shamelessness). However, certain situations allow for a more tolerable level of the lovely, dairy substance than normal. Whilst the editor recognizes the level of shamelessness of the video he also recognizes that certain people eat this shit up. If it inspires someone to get out there and do what’s right today, so be it

Besides, the editor is biased, and would love to see the subject of said shameless video seated comfortably in the Oval Office come 20 January 2009.

What’s really grating my girdle lately is Hillary (Anyone who likes Hillary should leave now unless you want to bitch at me later about it.). It’s not the fact that she is actually a strong contender in the race against my (unabashedly obvious) choice. It’s not even that she’s about as trustworthy as a weasel in a henhouse.

No, what Hillary’s real problem is can be summed up in one word – slime. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not so naive as to think Obama the first true and perfect politician. I’m sure the Illinois Senator has his problems and, let’s face it, if he wins the race he’ll have a lot of promises to keep. But here is a woman who not only lies publicly and openly, she does so in a way as to be seemingly unaware of it. She is so comfortable with lying that she doesn’t seem to know she’s doing it anymore. I doubt if the woman actually knows what’s true and what’s not in her own life anymore.

She’s the kind of person that says exactly what she thinks needs to be heard in the heat of the moment to make herself popular. It’s like being in high-school again and seeing the ‘less popular’ girl who just happens to be in the popular clique embarrassing herself just so that she can stay ‘in’.

Girl A: Thanks for coming over! Dad got us pizza for dinner!
Girl B: I don’t eat pizza – it breaks your face out in spots and makes you fat.
Girl A: Yeah, I know! Totally! When I told my Dad I’d love pizza for dinner, I totally meant, ‘I like the smell of pizza!’ I only wanted pizza as a last resort! But then he abused the power I gave him and went to war in Iraq.

But the sad truth is that it goes well beyond simple lies and ‘untruths’. The woman wants the delegates from Florida and my own home-state of Michigan to be re-instated immediately. Seriously – what the fuck?

I could understand if, like Obama, Clinton merely wanted the delegates re-instated after the DNC have picked their candidate for the presidential race…but she wants them re-instated now. Why? Well let’s look at it from her perspective, shall we?

Hillary fully expected this race for the White House, and certainly for the Democratic vote, to be a walk in the park. She thought herself the only serious contender and she seemingly based this false belief on the mere fact that she’s lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Blvd in the past. Nevermind the fact that she didn’t actually do anything even remotely politically challenging during her stay…she thinks her mere presence there for eight years was enough!

Then along comes this young, hot-shot senator from Illinois. Not only has he been round only 46 years to Clinton’s 60, he’s clearly not got the experience Clinton seems to think she has! She is continuously quoted as having 35 years of experience - experience that supposedly puts her head & shoulders above the competition.

What happens next takes not only Hillary by surprise, but very likely, the nation as a whole. The Illinois senator gains in the polls on a regular basis. His followers and fans count in the millions. His online presence is massive and his oratory skills are immaculate. When he speaks he commands the room and what he has to say is exactly what a very large portion of the people of the US are wanting to hear. Not only that, but he is consistent, unlike Ms Clinton.

Over the coming weeks and months, he closes the gap in the polls between himself and Ms Clinton and she is left astounded that she is only a few points ahead (and according to some polls tied or even trailing) where she previously enjoyed a double-digit lead.

What is a girl to do? Well if she can manage to secure more delegates than Mr Obama, surely her place in the Democratic seat for the race to the White House will be assured. So she demands Florida and Michigan’s (where she merely won due to the technicality that she was the only Democratic choice on the ballot…never mind that “Undecided” was beating her for a significant portion of the race) delegates…more than 300…be re-instated.

I am sickened.

As I said, I don’t believe Mr Obama to be perfect. In fact, I do worry that the man has promised so much change. I believe his heart to be in the right place and that he truly intends to bring about the changes he promises. But I’m also aware that politics may not always be as easy as all that and that once in the White House he’d have a helluva battle on his hands getting some of the changes to come about.

If he fails…will the American people forgive him? Surely it can’t be any worse than where we currently stand. I mean, have you seen the new proposed budget?!

So if I’m aware of the problems that Obama faces…if I’m not blind ot the fact that he’s probably not as [perfect as] I’d like to hope he is…why do I support him?

Quite frankly, John ‘yippee ki-yay motherfucker’ McCain scares the bejeezus out of me. A man who says ‘100 years more of Afghanistan is fine with me’ and ‘I don’t really understand economics’ when he is running for a position to be in charge of the country with the largest budget in the world to say nothing of the largest and arguably most powerful military, does not sound like a reasonable choice. His only saving grace is that he’s knocked out Rudy ‘9-11’ Giuliani, who I’m certain has the twin towers tattooed on his scrotum.

And I don’t have much of a right to complain an awful lot about the current administration, as I neglected to vote in the elections that brought us his administration policies. But I am certainly capable of saying that I don’t want the next administration to be anything like his. Therefore, I can’t see myself voting for the leading Republican candidate. If Ron Paul had succeeded, things might be different. I’ll never know.

So I’m now focusing on Clinton and Obama. And…let’s face it – it’s not really a choice, is it?

It’s Super/Shrove Tuesday, people. Get out there and vote (I live 3500 miles away and I managed it!)…and have a pancake!


1 comment:

FoxTayle said...

Oh, I totally unabashedly voted for "Undecided" for Obama because of the fuck up with the Democratic Delegate stuff in Michigan (because we bumped up the primary date) - But Hillary was on the ballot! What the hell?! Like I said, I still voted, and I voted for Obama in the only way I could.

I *heart* Obama too. I sincerely hope he gets into office.