29 June, 2006

Catching the Fever

So I'm getting pretty darned stoked for Superman Returns. As a pre-teen and into my teen years I was quite a Superman Fan. I wan't a die-hard comic reader by any stretch...but I'd pick up an issue whenever I saw one that intrigued me.

It all started with The Death of Superman back in 199...3?. I read that and...woah. I was hooked on Big Blue. There was even a time when I thought my first tattoo would be the ever-popular Superman pentagonal S-shield. But I grew out of my Superman fetish after a few years. And while I still love the guy, I don't go out of my way to read his comics anymore. I'll still read one if a friend has one that catches my eye (JLA is amazing right now) but I don't collect. In fact, I've given all my comics away. (I never had a great deal.)

Still, this new Supes film...in which our favourite hero, the world's biggest boy scout, amazes us once again...has me twitching with anticipation. When I first saw Brandon Routh, I thought "He looks too young". I mean, I've always thought of Superman as a 30-something kinda guy. This kid is in his very early twenties. I'm older than he is!

I mean...I loved Dean Cain in the role...sure it was a little hokey, but it was TV, for goodness sake. And I once had a friend tell me (and this friend still is the biggest Superman nut I know) that he always thought that if he were younger, John Travolta had the right face for Superman. Strong jaw, dark hair, and I have to say...he's right. Not sure Travolta's got the personality...but he's got a good look for a comic book style Superman. (he'd just really have to hit the gym)

But I think Singer made a very wise choice with going with a virtually unknown in Brandon Routh. (God...every time I hear that name I think of Brad Ruth, a guy I went to school with. If you're out there Brad...I'm thinking of you. Brad gave me a hockey puck once in like, 1st or 2nd grade!) And lots of people are comparing his look to that of Christopher Reeve. I guess I can see what they mean, to a point. But looks aren't everything, even if the guy did have a hunk of meat so large hanging between his legs that they had to use special underwear to 'flatten' it so they could get the PG rating they wanted. Nope...I'm not making that up.

The key is the acting...and all reviews are pointing to positive outcomes. So...~ fingers crossed ~ here's hoping!

I'm concerned that Singer kept the first two Superman movie storylines in-tact for this film. (Pretend Superman III & IV never happened and this follows 5 years after the events of Superman II) I mean...Superman flying backward around the Earth to turn back time and using some sort of romantic kissing telepathy to erase Lois' mind of who his secret identity was?? Come on!

Still...the important things are still here. Lex Luthor (played by an amazing man, Kevin Spacy...who is supposed to be darker and edgier than Gene Hackman's performance which, quite frankly, I was never very fond of) and Supes is still highly "allergic" to Kryptonite.

Singer did a fantastic job with the first two X-Men films...so this one has serious promise. He seems to recognize that he has big shoes...erm...red boots...to fill, and he knows the fans will crucify him if he gets it wrong. I trust the man and look forward to giving my review in a few days.

'Til then, off with you! Go fight for truth, justice, and the American (or British, if that's your thing) way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a side note, for british superman fans, there's a superman miniseries in easily purchased Trade paperback form called "Superman: True Brit" that you may enjoy.