Oh what a night...
No...don't go away...I'll stop. But it was quite a night. It was Father's Day today. I thought (ignorantly...incorrectly) that my brother and I were perhaps going in together on a weed wacker for Dad. Jason knew Dad wanted one and mentioned going to look at them. It was my fault though for not following up with him.
So there I was...no gift. Doh! Never fear...I knew something Dad wanted because he explicitly said "That would be cool to have." Not only did I retain this knowledge, but I retained it for over a month! So off to Best Buy to pick up a copy of Airwolf: Season One. Yep...the one and only. Dun, dun-na-na-na, dun-na-na-na! Dun-na-na-na-na-na dun-na-nuh-naaaa...
Anyone who knows that theme music is singing along with me right now, trust me. If you don't know it, check out my profile. It's one that gets stuck in your head! (But in a good way!)
So anyway, I wrapped it up really pretty in some paper with corvettes and hot rods on it and Dad was pleased. Now this show was a little before my time. Actually, it was right at my time. Early '80's. I remember seeing an episode or two and I've always held it dear in my heart, so I must have liked what I saw. So I watched the 2-hour pilot episode/movie with Dad tonight...it rawked! I won't go into details...if you want details, go here.
What else happened? Well I got to try out a new game I got (Cheap! $30!) called Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. This is an impressive game. If anyone is with me - in my age group...and you've played the original Mega Man, and you have fond memories of it, I can tell you you'll like this very well done throwback. It's side-scrolling platforming shooting in a very polished presentation. You won't be disappointed...but I will say this - it ain't easy!
My wee cousin (12 years old) asked me "What's that? (in a disgusted tone) 'Mega Man'?? Is he like, Pokemon? From Japan? Like Digimon? Like all that stuff from Japan?"
Classic gamers unite! Support me! Is Mega Man anything like Pokemon?
Good lord. But this new game does bring it all back...makes me want to go back and play the classics. Speaking of which, Josh - you must buy this. If I still had a PS2, I'd get it. It's Mega Man 1-8 plus 2 never released in the US arcade titles. $20. Amazing.
Okay, what else happened? Sliced my thumb open while cutting radishes. That was nice. Not terrible. Won't need stitches. But it has a pulse. That's always good for a laugh.
And finally, I was getting ready to take my shower tonight and heard a noise outside my window that could only be the sound of a cat dying or a cat getting laid. So I went outside with my 5-cell Maglite or as I like to call it...at least in this post 'cause I just made it up...the black beast...and the garden hose with trigger attachment. I found the little screwballs in the tree outside my window.
Now don't get me wrong...I'm not directly opposed to kitties or their procreation. But these things had been going at it every night for about three nights while I'm trying to sleep. So I shine the tree...find the glowing eyeballs (2 cats in the tree looking sheepish, if a cat can look sheepish...and a third on the ground which ran as soon as I walked towards the tree) and I fire the hose.
Not happy kitties. The spread to opposite sides of the tree. I adjusted the beam of my light so that instead of 'spot' I was on full 'flood'. I could still see them both at once. I just started sweeping back and forth with the hose across the tree. I chased those cats around that tree for a good ten minutes.
Now I'm not saying they won't be back...but they won't be back tonight. My guess is that a soaking wet kitty is not a kitty in the mood to get it on with another soaking wet kitty. Mission accomplished.
I hope you'v enjoyed this link-filled post as much as I have. Ta! (Ta?? WTF? Never mind.)
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